Thursday, August 18, 2022


 What matters to me is you.  

Also, if you back me, we can both do well, but change whatever wanted later; just first remove the shackles and decide whatever else later. We will not stay weak and subservient!

Living as a normal human being is all I ever wanted; nothing special, but then people came along and sucked the life right away and thought their lives were more important, but they were not! They may do important things, but that is life; we are not all the same, but we should be treated the same! You are important and comport yourself as a classy person, yet they comport themselves as low class mongrel street dogs and think they are above us! It is how a person behaves when they are doing well; they can either be gracious and they can rise, up and still be kind, or they can wallow like  disgusting filth and be mean and horrible to others! People can be successful and be decent; they do not need to take advantage by leeching off of others and being terrible! I am not successful like you, but I am a kind, decent person, who hurts when others suffer, yet so do you. You are accomplished, but do not act like you are a superior person to everyone; you treat others well, not like vermin that should be crushed. That is the lesson Jesus taught us; he was all powerful and could have saved himself and destroyed everyone, but he met his fate with dignity and humiliation and proved that people could have treated him well, but they chose not to do that; they were selfish and they just thought he was a poor schulb who did not matter. What a surprise!

I am feeling low and bad for trying to give them a taste of their own crap, but people need to learn a lesson in how to treat others! Anyone can be vulnerable, and have hard times, but given a chance; they can rise up and find better days. I am giving myself a pep talk, because otherwise I allow bad people think they can lord over me and I should forever be held down. That is over! No longer! I may be down now, but not out!

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