Friday, March 5, 2021

New additions, like a house

 I am contesting it.

I was pressured, so I thought, "why not?"

If I ever come after  you, don't take it personally just like I don't (😒) it is just to bring you out and get info. I don't do much good trying to help. I just end up looking like a crazy. I was being skewered royally. Still treating my wounds with bandages with your picture on them. It is all that soothes..... I got quite a paint job. I think the Titanic had the same artist.....

So much weirdness. I hope it isn't all hinging on money, because that can be gotten back later. Someone told me we have a great story. I think so. Whoever heard of anyone in such a position?  This is all her doing along with an opportunist? 

I want to go to the clinic here, but I get none of it covered. Maybe they will since it is an emergency of sorts. You would make me better with a touch of your hand. Can you make a deal and reason with her? She can't be happy and fulfilled. I would hold no grudges for her trying to kill me twice....(I have a hard time with grudges, but don't tell...) I don't want what she has, monetary wise. I would even cook her a Thanksgiving dinner, you carve.....just lightening the mood....maybe horrifying it, who knows, Stephen King is a bad influence. (He's a hoot.) Anyway, hungry as Hell, in pain and cold. Please eat more, gorgeous, but thin!

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