Saturday, March 13, 2021


 I don't understand what the difference is between someone who says they are my friend, but hurts me like an enemy. Doesn't that make them also my enemy? Isn't that a case of actions speaking louder than words?

My friend seemed like he was in need of help, so being a caring, loving friend, I did. Then, I was falsely harmed legally and he gave witness against me. I was a good friend to him, but what was he to me? His actions said enemy. 

My heart knows him with love. All my heart wants to do is love him. My heart wants to be right. So do I, but what will happen to me?

Is my own heart betraying me? I think of others first, but does anyone care about me? Sometimes I'd rather be dead than have to decide what to do. 

Like now. I love him, even at my own expense. What does that make me? 

Loyal? A fool?  I wish I knew.

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