Thursday, March 25, 2021

Warm home

 Are you able to do things on your own? Can you do normal daily tasks like go to the store, or post office, drive home? If so, couldn't you just drive away? You have a right to keep yourself safe.

You seem to be losing weight. Is it from being upset? I guess your clothes no longer fit. Your face looked taut. I know everything was stressful. I would have enjoyed seeing you otherwise, but for the situation.

I didn't know how much it hurt me until later. They have beaten the crap out of me. They have done it to keep her happy, but how can anyone be happy knowing they are forcing someone to be with them? The entire point of being with a particular person is the compatibility and enjoying spending time with them. If they are always sullen, or sad, or frightened, where is the fun, or enjoyability? I want to see a smiling, happy, relaxed, caring face looking at me, or I would say "forget it, they aren't happy, time to part." Isn't that normal? Does she just figure it will be better after time? I care too much about people to knowingly make them suffer. It seems not to bother her. I think it could be competition. She senses someone else cares, so it got her interest going. It is insulting to you and it is insulting to her. She could be enjoying life and so could you. What good is a nice place to live without love to warm it up? Otherwise, all it is, is an investment, not a home.

You deserve a home full of love.

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