Saturday, March 27, 2021


 Lately, all I do is mope around. 

I think I may be recovering from the kidney issue. After my birthday I had no wine at all, before not much at all. I put a bottle of Sherry in my wine club basket in December and it is still there. Anyway, cannot tax the kidneys. Taking stone crushers on a regular basis and drinking lots of spring water. Once in awhile, I get a MF'ER stab of pain that doubles me over, but lying down seems to shorten the frequency.

I ordered some scallops on Amazon. They arrived. Cannot remember when I last had them. I have to decide when to cook them. I remember how much I used to like them.

My friend in Southern California is working on helping to save our wetlands. They are such a big part of the environment. Some asshole Republican shut her down at a town meeting and said, "we don't have time for this!" Yeah, no time for the only place we have to live! All the Republicans have time for is to stuff their pockets, disenfranchise voters and pretend terrorists are patriots!

The world will always have its massive share of assholes!

Anytime you want to come here, do.  It won't be picture perfect yet, but it is a place to feel safe and welcome!

(And loved!)

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