Thursday, March 18, 2021


 I no longer have a life.

After I met you and you became a part of me, that was my life. I no longer have my life. You knew my thoughts. I had talks with you without speaking. You were so happy to hear from me. I was so happy to hear from you. Why do those people have the right to be cruel?

I cannot stand to be away from you entirely. Everything inside me crumbles when I think of you and I sob. 

You are such a part of me.

Remember when you called me right after a long day? You said I was the first one you thought of to call. 

It was the most precious thing anyone ever did for me. Nothing could ever be better. Don't denigrate our sweet times with ugly words against me. It tears down the beauty that is you. I resent it. I will not allow you to run down that beautiful person I love so much.

So, stop it.

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