Monday, March 8, 2021


Dear Dr. Isaacs, I am writing about the attacks upon my life by Dr. Moayeri and her group of doctor associates who have provided me with a false breast cancer diagnosis for the purpose of shortening, or impairing my life by surgery in relation to the false breast cancer scare she and her colleagues manufactured against me.  She initially had her colleague, Dr. Moon, attack me with sinister gestures while berating me using complaints only Dr. Moayeri would have had in her unhinged mind about me that are not true. She waved a long needle in my face, past my eyes, then roughly pulled 5 large core samples from my right breast and then had me get a mammogram on my bleeding breast immediately afterward. The blood ran like a river to the floor and hurt like Hell. I screamed from the horrible pain!

Mr. Mike Guasco has further impacted my situation in life by filing multiple false restraining orders against me and for the recent final order made it for 5 years so that he could be certain I could never have help/support from Dr. Lukaszewicz. I think you do a great disservice by allowing Mr. Guasco to obviously have free access to Kaiser's "petty cash" so that he could "grease" a few hands along the way. You are also keeping Dr. Lukaszewicz a hostage and not allowing him to a free voice. He had a script he memorized against me, so he bore false witness under pressure in court. The last time he said how nice my gifts were and expensive. Mr. Guasco never brought him back to court and the recent contempt charge came off of the extension hearing that he claimed Dr. Lukaszewicz did attend, but my grown son did attend and wrote a statement to that fact, but Guasco marked on the court filed form that Dr. Lukaszewicz had been present and also forged Dr. Lukaszewicz's signature. My hands were so tied, I was not allowed to give the evidence that would have exonerated me. No point in having having a trial, if it is all a lie. I am tired. Mr Guasco has been beating up an innocent widow, cancer survivor for doing nothing wrong. It is indecent to force Dr. Lukaszewicz to lie against me. It isn't right to compromise his integrity. It is no doubt that Guasco enjoys making those superior to him dance to his tune, because he is is jealous of someone of higher intellect and quality of character, since Guasco has none. He is taking his power and building his ego with it in an ugly, sadistic, megalomaniac type of way. He is tormenting lovely people. Please stop his harm if innocent people and get rid of his services.   
What has been done to me over the years has been severe and deadly and worth millions in lawsuits. Mr. Guasco is violent and hurts people. I am worried for my safety and the safety of my property. I have been apprised that he might very well likely have been behind a home invasion wherein an innocent man, Jeff Lusk and his brain injured son were roughed up and his medication, etc, was stolen and thrown from his home.

That is not the "Thrive" side of Kaiser! Mr. Guasco does not belong as a part of the team of positive humanity for the welfare of others. There is no place for cruelty and bullies in the world of  caregiving. Mr. Guasco is a predator and an opportunist. Please tell him to give Dr. Lukaszewicz the freedom afforded other human beings. Mr. Guasco is holding him hostage. The things Kaiser has allowed to be done to me and to Dr. Lukaszewicz have been beyond criminal; it is the stuff of horror movies. I was given a false breast cancer diagnosis and when one false restraining order was over, I was hoping to have Dr. Lukaszewicz observe any surgery I might need for breast cancer, but Guasco slapped a 5 year restraining order on me. He lies to judges, but they already seem to be on the payroll. Please stop giving him carte blanche to hurt people and defile our sacred and precious institutions. The money he must use to buy his victories is only harming our system of justice. Mr. Guasco is a terrible attorney, he is also a criminal. Don't you feel better knowing truth is being told and honesty is prevailing? He does none of that. You also indulge Dr. Moayeri, who has twice attacked me with deadly attempts on my life. She is not worth that indulgence. She is not normal, because normal people don't make plans to try and kill other people. Please, if she does end up killing me, or anyone else, like Dr. Lukaszewicz, it will reflect very badly on Kaiser and it will implicate you, since you ignored the warnings.  I could get awarded millions of dollars and she could be given a prison sentence, but I have been so saddened by the terrible ways Dr. Lukaszewicz has been treated and manipulated and held as a prisoner, I will make you a deal: give him his freedom to live as he sees best, remove all the false legal restrictions from me and I will sign a Hold Harmless agreement for Dr. Moayeri and not make public statements about her treatment of me. She could face serious incarceration time and I will pursue it vigorously unless we can come to an agreement. I will do nothing, if Dr. Lukaszewicz is given his guaranteed freedom. It is wrong to keep him under the thumb of criminals. Please consider my offer, otherwise, all bets are off.

Mike Guasco should be relieved of, removed from, his employment with Kaiser. He has only caused pain to innocent people. Kaiser will be a much better place without him.
Thank you!

Cheryl Petrovich 
(I already fixed the typo)

There was a critical typo error in my previous email that I sent to you, wherein it erroneously said that Mr. Guasco claimed Dr. Lukaszewicz was not at the extension hearing. That was somehow a typo. Mr. Guasco always claimed Dr. Lukaszewicz was present at that hearing, but he was not. My adult son was present and wrote a statement saying as such. Dr. Lukaszewicz's signature had also been forged. I had an expert witness. It is funny how people think that because they say something is so, makes it so. Well, it doesn't. Dr. Lukaszewicz was never present. There can be no contempt charge with an invalid restraining order.  Period. Mr. Guasco is a liar and forces Dr. Lukaszewicz to be a liar too, just to save Guasco's own skin. That is pathetic. Guasco is the world's worst attorney. They are messing with Dr. Lukaszewicz and trying to make him into a robot. It is inhumane. Please free him.
Thank you.
Cheryl Petrovich
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