Friday, July 8, 2022


 I truly appreciate everything I get; it keeps up my spirits. I hope you are the same and keep a good attitude. I think of you more than I think of anyone else; you are my joy. What a thrill to see you in person! I keep wondering about life and its purpose, but I always come back to doing good for others and the reward is the wonderful feeling that love brings. I was just mentioning it to my friend that the feeling one gets from love tops anything else.

Tranquility it a lovely part also. I would love to live in an uncomplicated place with room to have a garden and a few chickens sounds nice and catch a few fish is a dream, but I suppose it could sound boring to some, but I like the way it seems to have low impact on the Earth and spend time with someone I love. I want to also take care of family and friends and be certain they have a place to live and food to eat. I would also like to visit some places of family impact in history, or at least pick out a few places that were the most significant. It just seems to enhance the idea of why were are here to make a difference, good, or whatever. We cannot always expect that out relatives were always kind.

My selfish desire would just be able to know a person who is loved and is fun to be around. Nothing better in life could be found than to create a happy place in life and share joy and love forever. You feel like that person to me, but each person must fulfill their own joy. At least I have been lucky to know how wonderful it feels to be in love. It is the best! 

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