Saturday, July 30, 2022



I hope you have been having a good day so far! It has gotten more warm here, so I have just turned on the fan and giving myself a good blow. It feels wonderful! When it is the evening, I will open the doors and get a nice ocean breeze. I hope the rest of the world isn't suffering much! I usually turn the fan on for a bit to keep my doggie cool, but I splurged on myself. I trimmed a bit of her fur not long ago, so she is mostly fine, but when she is finished with my antics, she nips at me, so I stop. It isn't always at the best stopping point, like now, but she isn't a show dog, so.....dogs who need up keep and bite are not the most fun to have.....but I love her.

I found new people to send my damning emails to, because some people leave other people's addresses in theirs when they are "out of the office." I also have a day sometime in my head for going to picket in strategic places. I will also inform certain media that I am there. As I said, I am a bit worried that I may be a target.πŸ₯† I should borrow a PD shield........ Oh well, anything for publicity.....for the problem.....

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