Sunday, March 20, 2022


 Cooking a chicken for later and just finished changing my bandage on my foot; it is in an awkward position, so it is tedious although rather reminiscent of a yoga stretch. I am gearing up to a day filled with cleaning and removing. As I peruse the mess, I am feeling some unwanted anger rising up in me. My renter/friend is here in lieu of rent to help me with work, but what I notice more and more is that he doesn't like work and leaves me in a difficult position of a house that makes me very unhappy. I am not a neatnik, but we have surpassed even reasonably clean long ago. I am extremely frustrated, because I like him and even feel sorry for him, but he is clearly taking advantage. My kitchen rug was reasonably clean when I left for my stay at the hospital, but now, an entire side of it is nearly black! In all that time, nothing done to the fridge, the collapsed sink, the garage, or cleaning up of anything at all. I look the entirety and feel like crying. Such is life, I guess.

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