Wednesday, March 23, 2022


Just tell me, why don't you try and help yourself, or me? They cannot watch you each minute of the day. It is illegal to be held as a prisoner; escaping is expected, but doing nothing is not. You asking me for help would not be construed as illegal; that is why they did it as a mental roadblock. You should be trying to escape at every opportunity. In a trial the first question would be, "did you try to escape?" Look, I work on some aspect of this every day. I am hampered by a lack of funds, distance and transportation, and people who block my communication and help. K has billions in reserves to bribe and pay off. I am one woman with her husband's social security and no driver's licence and health matters that arise at the least opportune moment.  Even the person I am trying to help screwed up the entire matter many times by falsely proving to the powers that be that I am a crazed groupie, or of that nature. The performances were of a stellar acting quality; which was unnecessary. Why do that? All it said to me was that you hated me. Much of my waking moments are dedicated to helping you and worrying about you. Why? Being in love has no credience; it merely seems to agree with your assessment of me; that I am just one more obsessed fan of yours. I tried to free you when it was more possible, but you handed them the bricks and cement to wall yourself in. I offer help, but nothing. Why? 

I have been beaten to a pulp many times and I keep on going. Why? Because you were there for me and I love you for it.

and because of your beauty and strength you used to help me. Now, nothing possible at all, but only my love remains.

I promise that I´ll be by your side through good and bad times | Love quote | Friends quotes, Promise quotes, Best friend quotes

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