Thursday, March 31, 2022


 Hi sweetie, I spent a difficult night. It was so cold at one point, but I was alternating between hot and cold; it was a nightmare. Those pills to ward off breast cancer may have again taken a toll. I need a definitive answer, so I can keep that disaster in the making in the background.

I hope that woman who called from K ends up being helpful. She was so shocked by what I was telling her, she could not contain her horror and kept exclaiming, "this is terrible, I am so sorry" "it is way beyond me!" I said, "please, someone needs to get ahold of the doctor and ask him about it; he has been kept a prisoner!" He needs freedom! I hope that what I have said and will say will be backed. It will be amazing to have it over! I have gone through a lot of ridicule, so tenacity is key. I so very much appreciate the support!

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