Wednesday, March 30, 2022


I saw an interview with Elton John by Graham Norton. Elton John had a Paris apartment. He looked great; I have no idea what year it was done, but Graham Norton looked older, so it probably was not long ago. Elton John was so honest, maybe all the therapy he went through did it. I like honesty, but I know people need to go at their own pace.  I would love to know him. I think he is very nice, but perhaps temperamental. He had a lot of loss in his life. He seems like a very lovely man. As I mentioned before, a high school acquaintance of mine (Dana Miller) who was a cheerleader at my high school, and whose brother was close friends with my brother, knew Elton and started something to do with a part of Elton's AIDS foundation, but tragically passed away a few years ago. 

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