Wednesday, March 30, 2022


 I decided not to go to my foot appt. My foot is doing well. That crap place still has not given me back my online acct and the phone number for the foot dept is not taking messages. 

I am still having breast pain and armpit pain. It is making me nervous. It comes and goes and may be from the biopsies. They have messed with my life and it is terrible! They do it to others too and of I were they; I would sue them. The people abusing you are monsters! I am going to make some calls during the day.  I hate being thought of as your enemy, when I would give everything I own and my life for you.


  1. I love you with all my heart and my soul. Be free before I have no life left.

  2. You make me long to see you. People keep telling me to forget about you. Those are people who don't even know my feelings; like attorneys. They are blocking me from all sides. I don't get it. Do I come with a warning.....or is it you?

  3. This last attorney had said, "keep the faith" then said not to look backward! I said that was a strange thing for an attorney to say, since most legal matters ARE those that look back!

  4. People sometimes just need to take things into their own hands, or forever be stuck in their same position.

  5. I had a high glucose reading yesterday and a very low pulse and I felt so crappy, then I could not find the needles for the insulin. I would have kept them together, but they were separated and got moved. I was afraid I was dying without seeing you again. That is what bothered me so much.

  6. Thank you for saying "HI" to me this morning! Have a sweet day! You are very loved!

  7. You MUST get away at a time when you are ignored, or they drop the ball on keeping you guarded. I am not getting help from anyone! Even my sm clms ct place is giving me the runaround! I answer their question several times and then they write back asking the same question!

  8. If you promise to stand up for me, if I should get caught, I will do anything to help you. That is one reason I want to marry you. I want to keep you safe and from anyone else from hurting you. Just make it so I cannot get any of your stuff; then you will know I only want to be with you, because I love you and want to be in your life, BECAUSE I love you. I have been so frustrated and want to die much of the time.

  9. I was embarrassed, because I took a nap and slept such a long time! I felt bad because of it; like I was neglecting you, and also neglecting the house too. I should have been busy instead of sleeping, but I felt so bad yesterday, I actually thought I was going to die! i wanted so much to say good bye to you. Love of my life.
