Wednesday, March 30, 2022



My Day Is Incomplete Without You!  😢😕💔


  1. It is very true!!
    You are my first thought each day and think of you all through the day! If I think you are not there for me, which is understandable, since you are busy, etc; I feel lonely and sad! If I could be there with you, I would not want to ever leave, but I would do whatever you wanted of me. I love you so much!

  2. I am not up to your quality, but I will do anything for you and love you without end. I will enjoy being near you and I know we would laugh a lot and enjoy life. I just feel so deeply for you that I know we would do things we would both enjoy very much! I love seeing you so much, you are beautiful to see; my eyes love looking at you!!

  3. Please, if you speak w/her, get across to her that what she has been doing to you is a felony and it is getting more and more well known and if she continues keeping you as she has been doing, she can get serious prison time. Tell her the DOJ has already been interested in the case and that she will not come out well having kept someone under a false restraining order with JAIL and keeping you under false IMPRISONMENT! Tell her that if she lets you go free NOW, you know that there is a chance that she could get lighter charges and sentencing. Please use your discretion, but try, if you can, PLEASE!

  4. I have a hard time dealing w/my anger toward her; this should not be done to anyone, but it is especially egregious to do to someone who is an essential part of the history, the love and the integral part of the life that emanates from it. You are precious and should always be treated that way. You are love itself! It is sad that she doesn't see that important part!

  5. I never want to lose you, no matter what the relationship we eventually have. I know what relationship I would like to have with you, the closest, but your wish is the most important to me as well as you. You have suffered so very much. It is time for you to be loved and to love. Please be safe!

  6. I would love to take care of you for the rest of my life and help you get over this nightmare, feel safe and always loved! You are so important to me!
    I love you!

  7. Love is lovely and a supplier of life! I want it to be the power we need to get through the bad and make our lives happy and safe! You deserve only beauty in your life! You have suffered terribly!

  8. You know I would love to hold you all night long and love you forever!

  9. Yes, It always seemed like you knew how I felt about anything and you tried to protect me from being hurt. It was so sweet!

  10. I have started the process to the successful end! We both must help the other out and be loyal. I will be on your side no matter what! I will always love you!

  11. I will hold you and love you until you are healed. Have faith and believe in me as I believe in you. Love is everything.
