Saturday, March 19, 2022


 I had it so nice with my sweet romantic thoughts and reveries last night that I was able to relax warmly into nice thoughts and dreams and sleep uninterruptedly throughout the night. I hope you also had a pleasant night. I never know how it is for you, or whose punishment you may stand in for. I hate that you might have to live that way, but it is hard to ignore that possibility. Your place of employment is so Draconian, that I hate to think how it could be for you. I had a very unpleasant exchange with them the day before which ended with being hung up upon, because I said they were ridiculous and absurd. Their idea of human rights is hardly out of the Dark Ages. They scream modern thought, while exhibiting cat o' nine tails reality! Ugh! How you withstood such ancient reality is beyond me! Please! Run!

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