Sunday, March 20, 2022


 I so very much appreciate having a friend that makes me feel as if I am not alone in my life and that I may look forward to seeing some day and hopefully have to love. The bond felt so strong before and going through this nightmare with a common goal of freedom and justice to attain. It is strange that in modern times that such terrible, ancient thoughts be allowed to not only exist and torment, but flourish as if they were contemporary and just! Those involved must feel that their payday is worth the risk of being discovered as criminals! One can only hope that the victim(s) have protected themselves to such a degree that a great lack of payday will be afforded them at the end. Of course, such hardened con artists may have fully prepared with forgery and other devious means of theft.

A victim must stay alert to chances of escape and freedom and always be prepared. Lull them into a false sense of security and gain trust to be allowed openings. I must feel connected to be aware of what is needed as help. He must always know that my love is strong and I will always be ready to jump in to help at a moment's notice. He is my dream, my love and my joy; had life not been hijacked by self-promoting criminals, there is a good chance we would have found ourselves together and enjoying the mutual affection and similar tastes we were already finding together. I had already devoted myself and knew that I would risk my life for his and would be happy to share mine and whatever I had  with him forever on; in fact, to me, there seems to be no other possibility, or desire for me. I do not want to know anyone else in a devoted, loving manner than he. Though life may be short; I cannot imagine spending it with anyone else, although he may have other plans for himself. I must adapt; life does not always follow our own desires which is what happened to derail our friendship; they wanted what they wanted without regard for anyone else's desires. If that is what could be gotten across to those in authority, who have not been bribed, then surely they would see the commonality of human emotion we must have with those sentient beings who understand love and not just financial interests.

This entire matter was one of greed at the expense of love. They do not understand love, or the need to be near someone who makes their life fulfilled. That is my take, but time, or situations could have changed anything for anyone involved, but not for me; my resolve and love have grown larger and stronger, like an old oak tree that has flourished with time.

I love you forever!  

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