Thursday, March 17, 2022


 Last night I got home after the grueling stay at the hospital and the long drive......I was beat! I stupidly let my dog outside for her to pee quickly and return, but I stopped to grab a coat and by the time I returned, she was GONE!! I got my renter, Michael and we got into the car and drove around. I was afraid a wild animal might have grabbed her!

It turned out she went to the area at the end of the complex where they have a gym and stores and she was just checking out the scene! She is so funny! But she had us so frightened!

My mother also had us worried, but it turned out that she went on a cruise with her new "boy toy!" (HE has me worried!) She was annoyed that we worried. She must have paid for him, since she lowed my usual B'Day gift amount....but as long as she had fun!!  

I am eating salmon fish and chips; it is very good! I am full quickly, so more for later!

Hope your day is good!

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