Saturday, August 28, 2021

Vit. D

 Dr. Holick

I am listening to a fascinating lecture about vit. D. I will never remember it all, but remember to take 6,000 IU up to 10,000 a day (depends on weight) cognitive dysfunction can have to do with vit D Deficiency. App. D minder info. No downside to increasing vit D. I have come to my last cap. I would like to see my blood levels. Putting mushrooms in the sun is a way to get vit D 

It is amazing how many mothers and babies are vit. D deficient! The mothers should take 2,000 IU vit D on top of what they were already taking. Up to 4,000, cannot get it from dietary sources 6 glasses of milk a day. Sun exposure holds the vit D. Longer. Tanning bed.

Ricketts is still a problem

Vit d receptor problems genetic issue.

Another vit D lecture came rolling around right after.  Vit D  Association Experts forum

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