Sunday, August 29, 2021


 I spend more time thinking of things to write here than anything else. sometimes though, my brain does not come through for me and I am stumped with not much strolling through my mind.

I keep thinking about 1/2 Moon Bay and how much I would love to go there with you. I have the best time walking on Main st. and going to the fish seller's on the corner. It would be nice to get oysters for a picnic. I would also like to go to the cemetery we both spoke about. I also love to sit on the patio of the Ritz by a fire ring and listen to the piper play Amazing Grace as the sun sets. It is also fun to watch the lamplighter light those fascinating swirling fire lamps. I just wanted to soak in my time there, so I was awake from the lighting to extinguishing. I sat on the deck reading JK in the rain while holding an umbrella I found in the closet while I sat by a fire ring there on the deck. I also sat quite awhile in the massive bathtub and soaked with some of the goodies they had left for me in a lovely basket. I had never spent so much on a room and I wanted to get every bit of joy out of it.

It was the next hotel I went to in 1/2 Moon Bay where you saved me.  You saved me and made me love you even more (if possible). 

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