Sunday, May 16, 2021


 Just wanted to say hi and that I am thinking of you. I am working on clutter. Mostly my clothes right now. Funny how I was collecting them little, by little, but don't use them since I go nowhere. It used to be that I was so busy with the tech start-up, that I was tired of going places and parties/events. I didn't think I had enough to wear. Now, too much fancy and not enough normal. I bought some things thinking I would go Traveling, or at least the St. Francis trail, but they are worn out now. Weird. 

It is strange how the wants of one can take precedence over everything. It seems normal to talk things out and come to a consensus, not bully everyone into the desires of one person and the greed of another.

Now, it is a matter of survival. The handwriting is on the wall as to the intentions of the ones in charge. Death to those who get in the way. They did it once and tried several times after the first. Their greed pushes them forward! I think they are getting desperate. They will act on it soon. They will fight and the super greedy one will kill the other. He took my will. I think he figures he will take advantage of it somehow. We cannot allow those bad people win! It would be at the expense of our lives. They will make up a story blaming everything on us somehow. That cannot happen. He just made my friend into a liar in court. That is a huge crime that could send him to prison! He has to say that he was threatened into it. Lying in court is a felony and has a prison sentence of up to 5 years. The entire case was made up against me! That could be even worse; especially when my friend appeared to be thinking and remembering the answer; especially when I had a witness there at the time who said there was no Plaintiff. That man wanted to save his own one else's. Great acting job, but it was one that could get a prison sentence. That shows what a piece of crap that crook is! He holds no esteem for human life.....except his own. He knows he put a life in jeopardy, but never his own. He should send the actor a thank you card. He will just call the actor crazy.

He needs to get away. If we joined forces, no one could do anything to him, or to me. I would do anything for him.

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