Saturday, May 29, 2021


 You KNOW I will do ANYTHING for you, but my psychic powers have not fully kicked in yet! TELL ME!

Get safe, then, figure things out!

Don't listen to what those assholes say, about anything!

To them, you are a steak on a BBQ.

You helped them paint a picture of me as a predator!

Is that how you think of me?

When did I ever do anything out of order?

I was never there when I wasn't supposed to be. 

I didn't call just to schmooze.

I wrote emails, because you specifically said I could.

I enjoyed it immensely, but fuck, don't make up other shit about me!

I went from having no record, to a bursting folder!

Not the kind of thing I want lurking in my life's history, when a visit to St. Peter could be in my near future! Crap!

I DO expect that to be rectified.

A good person has been sullied, because she gave a few gifts to say, "thank you!"

Santa is quaking in his fur lined boots!

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