Saturday, May 29, 2021


 Just sitting down to my spaghetti. pretty good. getting full fast. Cooking took away my appetite.

Listened to Roch 2, I think Gershwin borrowed from him..... of course, I always think of "The 7 year Itch" where Tom Ewell makes a swift pass at MM in about as elegant a manner as Donald Trump would "move on her like a bitch" about as classy as flushing a massive BM down the toilet!

If it weren't such a misogynistic move, it would have been cute, but it had to be taken in the spirit of the times, I guess.

Don't fault me, but in my online perusing, I saw your HS pic. What a cutie! Harrison Ford had nothing on you! Bet you were prom king, but self-deprecatory! Very nice!

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