Saturday, May 29, 2021


 I have a very nice attorney now. The last one was an abusive asshole. I think he slept through the entire trial. He was obviously in collusion with the Big Briber. They are all dirty, but why? They are clearly splitting up the K money. What a massive pile of crap. I'll bet "he" takes a portion of each bribe he gives. I know they do that with contractors and workers. Once, a teary worker at my house came up to me and said that hadn't been paid at all! I just thought crap! The contractor told me basically to mind my own business. Yikes! So, in the end, they just cleaned out my bank account. It sucked. I had only enough to get a moving company and that was it. I came here and the garage was a Jenga game. It was diabolical.

I know MP came here and directed the movers and also broke a few things and turned the HOA against me. Those people are more than vicious, the are deadly.

It is why I worry for you.

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