Monday, May 31, 2021

Not do it

 I hope you are having a pleasant day!

It is very quiet and very sunny here.

I remember when people used to say, "let's go for a drive!" Well, this is the place for it, if there ever was one!

Just up the road about 14 miles is the lighthouse where I stayed and nearly burned down. It was so strange, because my never before worn clothes had something spilled on them in the suitcase, so I washed them in the tub and hung them by the woodstove fireplace after they dripped off somewhat.  Somehow, I managed to get them too close to the fire and they went up in a smokey blaze and managed to catch the shag carpet on fire too! It terrified me!

I looked around the room and saw a smoke alarm, but even with all the smoke, it never went off. I pulled it open and all the wires just hung down! I left a note for them telling about the alarm, but not the fire, since there was no sign of it. I cut off any bits of shag carpet that were singed and it was normal looking again. I aired the place out night and day, so it seemed to smell okay. 

I did read online that the old lighthouse keepers place had burned to the ground........the place really did seem haunted and very noisy at night. It sounded like a lot of people speaking all at once, but it the wave activity was responsible for that; it was all around me, since it is a peninsula.

It's only 14 miles from here. I will see if they have a future events there.

I wish you could leave your prison for a visit. I don't know if you are just obedient, or handcuffed. It must feel weird not to be trusted, or have freedom. I could not do it. 

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