Saturday, May 29, 2021

A lot

 I never said what you had to be to me. Other people did that.

All I knew was that I wanted to be near you and take care of you. 

All these weird people made judgments, screamed at me. What had I done, but thank you and laugh with you and felt close to you? Why was I jumped on and treated so badly? 

It reminded me of when I worked at a dress shop and the old man who was the owner made us follow people of color around the place as if they were automatically assumed to be shoplifters. It made me sick. I quit, but still got unemployment, because of that man's attitude.

He also raided our bag lunches. 


I can love you to myself. I just enjoyed being around you. It felt so great. I didn't like it when I wasn't.

I never put a value on it. I just enjoyed it as it happened. 

Love can just be love. It is personal. 

But it makes me dedicated.

People don't understand. They take beauty and beat it to a pulp until it is dead. It makes them feel in control.

People are jerks for the most part.

Controlling people are a pain. I just want to enjoy life, not make it fit into a box.

I just know you were lovely and made life a joy. I don't need to define it beyond that. Nothing can live up to expectations.

Don't have any. It is nice that way. 

Anyway. Do what makes you happy. That is what makes me happy, but I would sure love to be around you again. 

Take care. Don't let them hurt you. That would hurt me a lot.

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