Saturday, April 4, 2020

Don't ever let anyone take away your happiness....or your freedom.

There are people who will gaslight someone else to make them appear abnormal, because they want to take advantage of them. That is the worse cruelty that can be done to a person. Everyone needs an advocate who can vouch for them, Otherwise determined people who have no compunction about taking advantage of someone to "relieve" them of what they have for their own selfish gain. There is a safety in numbers. Those terrible people around you who try and convince other people that something is wrong with you are to be avoided. It is not ethical, nice, or true. I think they had you pretend to do things that were unusual to try and make you look bad so I would be afraid. I will never buy that, because I see the desperation in them and the beauty in you. No one bothers those with nothing much, why bother, but they will use a scapegoat to try and cover their motives. I find it reprehensible that they lock you in and use me as the excuse.  Freedom is everything.  I will open myself to any independent examination or lie detection. I did it once, I will do it again. It is sad when a person can be subject to harm merely because people who have the gravitas of their job titles got together to gaslight someone they want to rob. It has taken me awhile to figure things out, but I have. You are surrounded by vultures, except vultures wait for death to attack. Yours don't like to wait. You need to be proactive. 
You are smart, protect yourself.
No one has the right to take away your freedom, or your reality (same thing, really).    I will always support you, no matter what. Unconditional.

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