Thursday, April 30, 2020

I have been a lone individual against a well organized group of violent, aggressive bullies, who flout the law and the moral code of decency. Those are not your people. They are scary, indoctrinated terrorists who think that I am terrible for some reason. I am not surprised. It was a well organized group led by desperate professionals who want their agenda advanced, no matter the cost of (my) life.  They are selfish driven, I am kindness driven. I do not hurt people. I do not know entirely their point, but they have focused their hate upon me. I am a victim. My friend is a victim. All I can do is speak the truth. It is all I know. They are the ones who need to keep up with their lies and reason for cruelty. All I care about is wanting my friend to be safe and happy. I have done nothing. I was still attacked after they came up with the breast cancer scare. They seem happy that I took some of the med. I will see how long that lasts. I think they figure I will dry up and blow away. Not going to happen. I knew they would begin attacking around now. I am just minding my business and just living one day at a time. It is all I can do. I have been basically isolated for nearly 5 years. Doing nothing, while others live normal lives. I am not the one in control. I would not be living in mystery, anxiety and stress. I did nothing wrong. No one except the attackers did. They broke laws, they harassed, attacked and had no compassion for anyone else. Their own desires were any cost to anyone else. That is the  definition of narcissism, selfishness and greed. It is ugly, disgusting and dangerous! They have no excuse for using forgery, which steals a person's identity. They are guaranteed criminals. I am not. Yes, I am better than those people. They have no right to hurt people, or steal their identity. Period. I have no respect for criminals.

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