Wednesday, April 29, 2020

I am not someone who seeks revenge against anyone, but the person who instigated this against me was certainly taking a risk by thinking this would never get out in the open. Nothing like risking a career, reputation, and disdain, merely because she was too gutless to fight her own battles. I think her attorney has sought refuge at another firm. Self-centered people as she, don't see, or care to see, what harm they do to others, but feel plenty sorry for themselves. No empathy. Everybody has some tough times in life, but hers could have been avoided with some kindness and understanding and realizing other people in the world exist and matter. She hit me hard without one thought of how much I could have been hurt. Now, I see she still has no remorse, just more severe, life threatening painful attacks against me by her colleagues. That is someone who would never be sorry, or seek redemption. Narcissists feel their own pain, no one else's.  It has been all this time and it could have been ended awhile ago out of remorse, but nothing, just more violent attacks. Don't trust her; she is too set in her hardened ways as a monster. You deserve to be loved and admired for all the lovely things about you. You have served enough and suffered enough. It is time to be happy yourself.
Find out how it feels to be cherished and appreciated. You are loved very much.

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