Tuesday, March 21, 2023


 Dear sweetie, if anything I say disturbs you; just know there are reasons for it 

beyond reason. Never meant to cause you pain. Not you. Never you. You are 

my heart, my soul. My breath. These people are my Hell.

Dear Mr. Campion,

So, you changed the court date? I guess I am not worthy of being told, since you appear not to like me too much. Sorry I am not a crook like so many others

who cross your path.

I am a nice person who does nice things ,not like Moayeri and Guasco, who look for what they can steal from people and how they can harm them. Dr. Lukaszewicz is trying to get away from those predators; he has been for a long time now. I think he went as far as hurting himself. He went as far as showing me scars. The man deserves a break! He has had predators coming after hm 

around every corner! I think those two evil jerks even hurt his mother! Moayeri is a narcissist and from what I have read about them, even her relatives would testify against her. All I know, is that Dr. Lukaszewicz is weary of the jerks.Put yourself in his place, empathy causes positive, helpful action. 

So, just as I could be dying of cancer, Dr. Lukaszewicz could be dying of neglect, abuse and despair, slow torture! I cannot be comfortable each day knowing he suffers. He is kindness personified and they are taking advantage of it! It breaks my heart. It breaks my heart that you don't care if I die from your lethargy, when Dr. Lukaszewicz could have had this concluded many times over. But let's move on.


Please do all you can to free him, but freeing him will free us both! Please, yorrasons for what I sagyu are a good person, they are not! Don't let bad people intimidate you!

Believe my faith.


Cheryl Petrovich 

707 412 0399



Cheryl Petrovich

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