Monday, March 13, 2023


 Hello,Kaiser hired a contract attorney named Mike Guasco who began work there setting up poor and new very ill patients to be given false restraining orders to kick them off the insurance rolls to save Kaiser money when they were not allowed to deny patient coverage.Mr Guasco was lying to the court and the judges and got many poor and handicapped people kicked off their Kaiser insurance Mr Guasco had a young brain injured man named Tyler Lusk harassed and treated very badly as well as his father Jeff Lusk. Mr Guasco lied about Jeff Lusk and ruined his reputation and said he was threatening Kaiser employees with a gun. Jeff Lusk was a Coast Guard Officer, so Guasco's lies about him having a gun would be believable.Mike Guasco says he is at Kaiser to help doctors with legal matters, but from what I have seen; he has been harming the one I know as my friend.He pretended to have Dr.Gregory Lukaszewicz give me a restraining order 7 years ago,but the papers were forged Guasco is holding Dr. Lukaszewicz prisoner & may be using him in some type of  labortrafficking possibly in sex traffic.Dr. Lukaszewicz needs to be asked. I saw him hiding in the back of his car that someone was driving w/him in it. His former partner, Dr. Moayeri of Kaiser Redwood City, is I believe paying Guasco to keep me restrained and giving me false contempt charges to try and send me to prison.I was told I have breast cancer, so Guasco is obviously trying to kill me because I cannot go back to Kaiser because I am afraid Dr . Noushin Nicole Moayeri will try to Kill me as she did before when she had her psy friend Marija M.Petrovic try to mentally manipulate me to killing myself.Dr. Moayeri's police dept told me that she ,Dr.Moaueri is Dr. Lukaszewicz's abuser, but they will not it help me protect him because of my R.O. just as they planned.They are using me as an excuse to harm him.Dr. Lukaszewicz is a brilliant Harvard surgeon.They arent married,so she is afraid he will not give her his money I'm sure Guasco wants some too.She has me tortured when I go to Kaiser;Dr.Moon did it for Dr. Moayeri last time when doing biopsies on my breast.She spoke for Dr. Moayeri &said I take things from other people,meaning Dr.Lukaszewicz.She said I was a bad person & waved the biopsy needle in my face like she was going to stab me w/it! Kaiser has allowed to become a Hell hole!Dr. Lukaszewicz was so frightened &depressed when I knew him.I was rather told that she did radical surgery on him that has made him terrorized & vastly different.Supposedly,she wants him to be a woman.She seems crazy to me,but Kaiser does nothing & still let's her do surgery.Dr. Lukaszewicz needs to be interviewed.He needs to tell his story.He needs freedom!He lives at #3 Mountain Wood Lane,Hillsborough,CA 94040.His work is 1200 El Camino Real Kaiser 3d floor-Surgery.Pls help him!I've been falsely held for 7 years!I live over 120 miles away.Dr.Lukaszewicz is my friend.He's been thin &beaten up looking in court &was bruised.

I wrote this for a Kaiser magazine author.

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