Wednesday, March 22, 2023


 I must be silly sometimes to enjoy life 🧬

In "Man's Search for Meaning" it was said that people need to have 

hope in order to go on. 

It was how some people made it through the Holocaust.

I think letting oneself be silly is a form of hope.

Normal behavior in abnormal times.

How beautiful it is to feel love in crappy times. It helps with survival.

I have been lucky to feel love for you all this time, but it is not a real 

relationship, but I think it is something much more advanced and special

It took more compatibility and trust and just patience to have it hang in there 

as well as it has. I know it was a strong bond from the start. I felt I knew you

from before our actual beginning. I always felt comfortable being around you 

and being someone to you. I would do anything for you. No explanation

 needed. Ever.

I will always love you. Looking at your picture makes me feel calm.

At home.🏡😊💖

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