Saturday, March 25, 2023



This email is written for Dr. Gregory C. Lukaszewicz, MD using the email address of someone else.  He needs help. Please help him.


He lives at #3 Mountain Wood Lane, Hillsborough , CA. He has been held captive by people known to him who have mistreated him for a

long time. He personally showed me awhile ago, that he had appeared to have had cruel, radical surgery done to him. He needs the opportunity to speak with someone in authority who will help him, so he may openly tell of what is being done to him. I only know a 

part. He is my friend. He never is able to speak freely; not allowed. He has money and property and it is most 

obvious he is being held in the hopes of the captors getting one, or more of them away from him. His friend, me, has been falsely turned into a scapegoat that authorities will not listen to when I'm endeavoring to help him. There is an attorney who has forced himself upon Dr. Lukaszewicz and claims to be his attorney, but ask Dr. Lukaszewicz when he can speak openly; he will tell you openly that he is not. He is keeping him captive along with his former domestic partner who the local Police said was his abuser. He needs to have his say. The reason they are getting away with harming Dr. Lukaszewicz is because they are  using "persuasive" measures against the authorities. I witnessed Dr. Lukaszewicz being trafficked to Kaiser in the back of his car looking as if he were attempting to hide from prying eyes. He knows I am trying to help him. He did the same for me against them. He is my friend. I would do anything for him.Ask him.

I bought him antique surgery books written by the surgeon to the Elephant Man, because Dr. Lukaszewicz was an admirer of the

 Elephant Man genre and my great grand father was also from near that era in Prague and was a also a surgeon. It was a fun connection. 

Dr. Lukaszewicz was happy to have gotten the books and thanked me profusely for them. A picture of the surgeon and a hand written letter by him accompanied the books, making a nice set for a kind and considerate doctor who took lovely care of me and helped me recover from the vascular effects that I 'd only had a 50/50/% chance of recovery from the chemo causing it. I found out that his domestic partner was a narcissist and considered any attention to Dr. Lukaszewicz to be predatory rather than friendly.  He has had terrible punishment. He needs to tell of his terrible trials from the cruelty dealt to him. Please speak only with him; those captor people lie very easily. They use false law against me. 

Dr. Gregory Christopher Lukaszewicz, thin, approx 6'4-5", silver short hair, handsome, kind face, intelligent. He works at Kaiser SSF 8:30

am to around 4:30-5:00PM. 3rd floor surgery department. They put a wall around his office area and cameras to keep him watched.He 

seems to be intimidated and does not leave. I believe he has been punished, so he knows to stay in place. He is a prisoner. He

appears to be picked up by the parking garage to the right of the Kaiser facility. He had a black Mercedes station wagon at one time.

Please contact him at home, or at work. He needs legal help. Please question him. I ask for nothing but help for him and see if he is okay and

willing. Basically please just do a welfare check on him to make certain he is okay. He has not been and wants/needs to be helped. This is not a joke; he is suffering!He will be aware of this letter and praying for your help! People are treating him very badly, please don't ignore him! A fancy area can have shameful activities! They will bring him home and mistreat him! Hear what he has to say! I am being legally abused, so my hands are tied. My heart is pure, they are criminals who mistreat him like a wild animal!

Thank you,

Haviva von Martinitz 

(Pen name)



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