Monday, March 20, 2023




My reasonable demands

Haviva von Martinitz

to John

0 minutes agoDetails

Dear Mr. Campion,

The next time I hear from you; I want to hear that you have sent a subpoena 

to Dr. Lukaszewicz , or have set up with Dr. Lukaszewicz and the judge that we 

will have our own conference (s) set up to figure things out. 7 years has been

a long time for friends to be alienated. I want to make amends, if necessary, 

which should just be a technicality, since we agreed to be friends the last time 

we spoke. 7 years is longer than any AMA recommended time apart for a 

doctor and patient to become friends. We just need to get rid of the

 technicality of the restraining order.  It is not wanted by Dr. Lukaszewicz, or

 myself! Please see to it that the judge understands this by our next court

 hearing. This is totally a waste of time, money and energy. Thank you!


Cheryl Petrovich 

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