Wednesday, March 29, 2023


I am having trouble walking. I am thinking of calling Dr. Romero. Wish it could be someone else. I have neglected myself/health out of depression, but now it is serious. I never knew it could get this bad. Is it cancer? Just neglect? I wish things could be normal. 

Left her a message. My problem is wondering which camp she is in. She would never do a sneaky call to you for me. She would not have you involved in my stuff in any way. I thought she might be cool with things, but not so. Maybe w/o me involved, who knows? Dr. Lee was more on board. I like people who are bold. He was a good guy. He
admired you very much.
I like memories. I loved your sweet independence. You were so cute. Don't lose that. You are amazing and so full of spirit.


  1. WilI I die here on the floor? I do want to wait longer to give my leg a rest and I can get up. I hope.

  2. I love you with all my heart.


    1. Have a sweet day! Give me a thought if you will. 🌞
      I love you.

  3. I am still flat on my back. Ugh. I don't know if what to do. How did this happen? My knee is somewhat better. I think rest is good. I don't like this position it is uncomfortable. I will be back. 🤗
