Thursday, March 16, 2023


 Let me please hold you tightly before I lose you. 

I worry!


  1. I do worry
    I need to see you again.

  2. I want to take you to court
    Or something you have written.

  3. I think about you nearly every minute.

  4. I never know it could be so illegal.

  5. I go to court on Friday. I am afraid. I want to get things accomplished for you. Guess I better look up good things to say.


  6. My attorney never wants to do much for me. 5,000 for that?

  7. I will come get you; just tell me when and where.

  8. I could not have lived without you in my head.

  9. It is really true. I was falling apart.
    I guess I still have hope.
    I know I still love you.

  10. We were supposed to go to a lecture about cremation today, but the phone kept ringing and my roomie was dead tired sounding, do he called it off. I think I will buy a phone I can unplug. Once you get to a certain age,
    They call like vultures. Too bad missing free gourmet food.....or a reasonable facimali.....bad spelling.

  11. We were supposed to go to a lecture about cremation today, but the phone kept ringing and my roomie was dead tired sounding, do he called it off. I think I will buy a phone I can unplug. Once you get to a certain age,
    They call like vultures. Too bad missing free gourmet food.....or a reasonable facimali.....bad spelling.

  12. It is cold. Back to warm. I bought a propane heater on Amazon. I think I did I did, any way. It was late. I am a goof. There were lots of choices.

  13. Hope I get my computer today.....

  14. I have been esigning docs. Hope it's okay . How are you today? Shall we do lunch. ๐Ÿ”

  15. I sure don't know what she sees in you. You aren't anything to her liking except security, right? You are definitely a man, right? Or is she a man? I look at you and see a gorgeous man. She looks like a grandma, but not as cruel as she obviously is. If she is spending so much money keeping you captive, what good is that? It would be so fun to cuddle with you and go places and laugh and look at your sweet face. Tell her she is wasting time where you both could be enjoying life. Make an agreement with her and promise I won't turn her in to the FBI,OR HER FAMILY. SHE IS A CRIMINAL.

  16. I don't want anything from you ,but your friendship and to love and take care of you . If you want.

  17. I say things stupidly. But I love you beyond anyimagination

  18. Can't we work some thing out ?

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. I just don't understand being abusive to someone; how does she find that enjoyable? Can't you punch her in the nose and run? Or what is it? I began a court document explaining things. I am going to send it to them. We really need to get out of this. I sometimes feel sick.

  21. I need to hire people to get things done here. I need to do it soon.

  22. I have been crying most of the day. My roomie is used to it. I was listening to Carole King and crying ๐Ÿ˜ญ so much. I keep threatening my attorney with accusations if he doesn't stop ignoring me. I have been so sad. I don't do anything to get things accomplished. I was in the middle of getting letters done. I think this one guy may help. I am trying, my dear one. I really am. I was also trying to get my mortgage papers done online,
    But I was feeling sick. I don't sleep well. It scares me too. I wish I had you to ask for advice. You are the one I feel who knows everything. It must be nice to be so brilliant!

  23. I would be happy to just hug you....!

  24. I wish I looked nice enough for you, but I would sure work hard for you. I would wait on you hand and foot. I would love you from head to toe. You are all that matters to me.

  25. I got a portable bath tub to put warm water in, but I think I want a smaller one.

  26. You have my utmost admiration and love.

  27. I am going to send a letter to the judge. Hopefully he/she is not bought

  28. To be able to hold you is like having Heaven on Earth.

  29. I sure hope you are serious, because I wrote an email to your city attorney. He will have it Monday.

  30. As I said, you are always on my mind. My love never stops.

  31. My love, my friendship; they are interchangeable.

  32. I want to get back in the cancer radar that I was in before. I wanted out because I felt I was under attack and for immediate safety sake wanted to be out, but now want back in. I am not sure where that leร ves everyone. I only trust you.
