Tuesday, July 6, 2021


 Dear *****,

I apologise for my use of caps so much in my last message. This is a desperate situation and I also have MS which can mess with my emotions. Mr.Guasco, a Kaiser contract attorney, has had access to my health records, violating H.I.P.P.A. Dr. Lukaszewicz saved my life from Mr. Guasco and Dr. Moayeri's death threats. Just recently, (a year ago now) I was given a serious false breast cancer diagnosis that came from Kaiser Surgeon, Dr.  Moayeri's plan via her colleague, Dr. Marianne Moon in Radiology, who said I needed surgery asap. Dr. Moayeri wants me dead, because I gave my doctor, her domestic partner, gifts to thank him for his excellent care. He wrote me thank you emails. 

Many Kaiser doctors stick together. Kaiser is a deadly madhouse. They are harming patients and getting rid of those who cost them too much money. Mr. Guasco is hurting our Justice system with bribery and buying victories away from patients who cannot afford attorneys, or bribing judges….. Attorneys were noticing that Mr. Guasco was filing an inordinate amount of TROs against Kaiser patients. Kaiser is a criminal organization and Mike C. Guasco seems to be the criminal mob boss. He is despicable. He has helped Dr. Moayeri try and kill me several times. I have evidence of his criminality. I was very close to being DEAD right now. The only thing Dr. Lukaszewicz and I wanted was to be friends. Dr. Moayeri had me given a false breast cancer diagnosis to get me into surgery and kill me. Mr. Guasco gave me another FALSE 5 YEAR RESTRAINING ORDER! Mr. Guasco WANTS ME DEAD! Guasco knew I wanted Dr. Lukaszewicz to observe any surgery to keep me safe, so he hit me with another FALSE RESTRAINING ORDER and several false contempt charges! I HAVE BEEN FALSELY JAILED! I never did anything wrong, but Guasco has broken so many laws and should go to prison along with Dr. Moayeri and their assistant "hitmen!"

I believe that Kaiser does not like the fact that no one can be turned down for prior health issues.

"Under the Affordable Care Act, health insurance companies can't refuse to cover you or charge you more just because you have a “pre-existing condition” — that is, a health problem you had before the date that new health coverage starts. They also can't charge women more than men."

Mr. Guasco came up with a plan to get rid of those people with pre-existing conditions, or those who have conditions that cost them too much money in their minds, so he has them falsely accused of harming a Kaiser employee and gives them a restraining order and must be able to get rid of the patient because of the legal matter. I am sure he also gives them false contempt charges like he did to me. I would happily serve as a witness against that criminal and also Dr. Moayeri who has added on to Guasco's evil plan by trying to kill me for her own purposes. I hope they have not teamed up to harm more people in surgery, but I would not put it past them. They probably get bonuses! 

Please stop the CRIMINAL activities and the attempted murder by those two murdering criminals and their murdering assistants! There is very strong reason to believe that Guasco, Moayeri and Marija M. Petrovic MURDERED Dr. Lukaszewicz's mother and will do the same to him when able, to steal his belongings. They want me dead to take the portion of my will I am leaving for Dr. Lukaszewicz. They are hideous people. Please investigate before it is too late. Dr. Lukaszewicz is a hero and I am sure mine is not the only life he has saved many times. Please keep him safe and set him free from the cruel lying, terrible monsters! Kaiser needs saving too.It needs an audit and a clean up from uncaring CRIMINALS!

Thank You.


Cheryl Petrovich

38936 Cypress way PBN 120 , Gualala,  CA 95445

CC: US Representatives, and other authorities.

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