Thursday, July 29, 2021


 If he comes and sees me for awhile, he can decide if he wants to be my friend. All I know is that I want him to be happy. I guess that is already being a friend, isn't it?

I just get frustrated, because I write and write and get no response, or not the response I seek. It would be funny if the help I ended up getting was from the White House. I have so many thoughts of scenarios I think that could happen, or might happen, because of what has taken place. I start panicking and think he is in danger, so I come off frantic. (because I AM) If they are going to have all those elaborate plans to "get rid" of me as that smarmy janitor said, then I figure they would do more.

Are those people for real? They are so clownish and weird crime family acting it is nearly comical, except they do hurt people in the long run. They may be clumsy and cloddish, but they are destructive. He must really really be tired of their nastiness. I know I am! I just want to be around his sweetness again. I know the right people to blame; he is not one of them. (I say you and he interchangeably, all the same.) It angers me that they use him as their play toy for their amusement, or to cover their guilty asses. They want to implicate him in their evil deeds. "Super nice people." 

I  adore him to bits. Sorry if I come off like a spoiled brat at times, but when I think about how long it has been; it pisses me off. 

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