Sunday, July 4, 2021


Just wondering
1 message

Haviva von Martinitz <>Sun, Jul 4, 2021 at 5:14 AM
To: ****
I was wondering if you really are going to do anything to help me, or not? They made it all up so all that could be said is that the case the DA presented had no semblance to the truth.
My case had no truth to it from the beginning; the premise was false, the Plaintiff's signature was forged and there was no emergency and no life was in danger. It was a misuse of law. I gave my doctor a few gifts of thanks around 100 days before and did not see him since. Dr. Lukaszewicz came to my surgery of his own free will to keep me safe during surgery. Then after I left him a thank you message, I was served a restraining order in the form of a TRO. If there are rules to follow a person should be told. Mr. Guasco has been throwing everything at me without my understanding why. If any of it was a part of a wait period, I would like to understand why it included death attempts on my life, cruelty, screaming at me and being put into jail. Nothing excuses that. The AMA would be the entity to say the rules to becoming a friend and they have none! If Kaiser had any rules, they should have said something, not just beat me up. Guasco had a conflict of interest, since he was working for Dr. Moayeri, but pretended to be Dr. Lukaszewicz's. It is not up to Mr Guasco; it is supposed to be personal between myself and Dr. Lukaszewicz. Guasco should never have insinuated himself in, especially while working on behalf of Dr. Moayeri who has her own personal reasons for wanting me gone. (Dead.) And she carried out at least two times of planning out my death. Escaping them should automatically stop the false restraining orders, etc. and give me freedom. Dr. Moayeri is the one who should have the restraining order, not me.
 I have lived through an absolute nightmare load of terror. I don't deserve this. Please help me.

Cheryl Petrovich

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