Thursday, July 1, 2021



(To the attorney "mine")

I will write a book about what has happened to me and put some of my poems in it. I think it will get attention, because of my family background and the heartbreak of the story. I think it could even get the attention of Oprah. Please help give my story a happy ending. I am begging you. I am hurting so badly. Cheryl

Personal Pain, Indifferent Abuse~

Wait 5 years through terror and abject abuse, 
barely hanging on 
and each day 
is a pelting shower of pure unrelenting agony 
it hurts so bad that you ask God to
 "please, make it stop"
but God is too busy for you
so you manage through another 
devastating day
and wade somehow through 
yet another horrifying night 
of despair
at last
when the time to rejoice finally 
you are rejected so hard
a knife could not be any more 
then let me know how much you
feel like 


~Haviva (Cheryl)


Dedicated Love-

I love the hollow sound and gentle squeak of the wooden floor as I ascend the few steps to light candles of hope and prayer. It is a lonely sound, but I find comfort in the old familiarity; it is stark yet embracing.

My soul is weary, but holds a tender memory of your soft touch on my welcoming hand. It revives me as nothing else could.

Behind me, I hear the rhythmic sound of the tandem rosary chanting. The pious seek redemption, health, lost love. It never comes, yet devotees ardently and fervently return day, after day, to repeat their pleas to the saint who listens the most attentively and carries the least judgmental look in their loving, but disappointed eyes.

We are small, but our hearts have a grand capacity for love. I can't imagine my heart being able to hold all the love I have for you. The vast sky even seems inadequate to take on the overflow. I look up and see the breathless enchantment you leave behind and I know I will never be alone, for you are the beauty in every place my eyes find to rest....and my dedicated prayer to you, at last is answered.

Haviva- (Cheryl)

(c) HVM 2019

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