Thursday, July 8, 2021

All relative

 I hope your evening is going along well. I have yet to decide what to make for dinner. I have gotten many orders from online, so I have many choices and do not need/ask for many shopping trips. I do like to have fresh veggies and sugar free ice cream. I get by with frozen fish and chicken and I have a nice supply of pasta should the urge arise. Should the need to really "hunker down" arise and stay near the homefront is essential, I am able to forage, if necessary, of course, I would be competing with a wide variety of indigenous wildlife, including a very distasteful vulture....but he/she is growing on me. One resident in the complex mentioned the vulture to my renter and said she worried "it" might carry off my little dog. For one thing, vultures do not hunt live treats, only deceased.....freshly deceased (and my "little doggie must weigh at least 18 lbs!) they do not like smelly stuff, from what I have read, yet I witnessed a wake of vultures dining on a really disgusting smelling skunk in the middle of the highway once. The maitre d' vulture came over to my auto nosey perusal and told me they were booked up for that particular dining event......I was in no way disappointed. I tried to let him keep face by not showing my utter disgust with the situation.   Everyone needs a little dignity, even in a feral circumstance. It IS a challenge, I imagine, though!

Funny how we humans think we are so "top of the food chain" and look with contempt at the beastly manners of the wild things, yet they have an honesty about them, that we are seriously lacking. 

We need to find a comfortable melding point. 

I am no Jane Goodall type, but I can relate.

Jane Goodall is in isolation these days along with everyone else, since a fund-raising tour was canceled because of the coronavirus pandemic. She is staying at her family home in England, not in Tanzania, her primary home when not on the road.Mar 31, 2020

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