Thursday, July 1, 2021


 I keep falling asleep. 

I have been coming out of my slump somewhat.

I used to try and find fun things to do for the 4th. SF always has a lot of events. I liked to pack some gourmet picnic and situate ourselves at a good vantage point to watch fireworks. One of my business partners lived in the General's Mansion in Fort Point; he would hold fund raisers for Gavin Newsom there. Lovely place. Now he lives with his husband in Palm Springs. It would be fun to go there to visit sometime, but not during Hell Season. Someone on Twitter called this heat, "go fuck yourself degrees." I loved it.

My great aunt and uncle lived in Indian Wells, down the  street from the golf course. I remember riding my bike down there and seeing celebrities gathered playing golf (even presidents).  I remember my great uncle knew Joe diMaggio, since his brother owned a sports franchise. If he had any memorabilia, his nephew took it all. He even tried to steal the house with the help of the mayor of Millbrae, who lives/lived? up the street from our house. It is valued at 3 mil now.  

Oh well. I stuff my sadness so often.

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