Tuesday, June 1, 2021


I hope your day was good. 


I do still have the idea of getting an RV and

just traveling around. It would be fun, but I

wouldn’t want to go alone.

It is overcast today and breezy.

I have a lot of work to do around the house,

but I put it off. I did so much work leaving

Sunnyvale and then Millbrae; I feel exhausted

just thinking about it. There was 50, or so years

of stuff in Millbrae, so it was quite a task.

Seems like life is just full of janitorial work. 

Eating, trying to stay amused, staying healthy

and getting rid of stuff. If we humans are lucky

enough to love and be loved; then we have made

it! The last bits are, to me, the most important, but

I guess it is over for me. Most likely a solo mission

from now on. I still feel love and the memory is


A good friend with freedom to do whatever they

wanted would be nice.

It would be lovely to speak with you again, but
since your owner has forbidden it; that is a
of an idea. If she puts you on Craig's list, or
I hope I see the listing. I would buy you and
set you free.

I guess it is bitter humor. Still limping. Some
people play dirty.....and illegal. Hope it doesn't
come back and bite them on the ass! (I DO!)
I am working on it.

But I am sad as shit and it is zapping my
energy and desire to do anything much.

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