Saturday, June 5, 2021

All I could want

 Are people so hard up that they would rather be a criminal and steal from other people? No wonder my relatives are nervous about a new relative showing up. I don't want their crap. I just want to have more family. I guess. I will just let them know I exist and then buzz off. 

I found out when I had more money, more people were out to get it. I had a financial manager who was wanted by the FBI and had an Irish passport. She had my power of attorney too! God, I had many sleepless nights! I got away from her and Merrill Lynch took it. Fine. 

My best friend, after I was robbed by her investment person, said to me, "I can't be friends with you any longer, you aren't wealthy enough." Weird. After helping her to give birth to her daughter. There for her when she was sick and took care of her kids. We knew everything about each other. I had no idea people could be so shallow. It sounds odd, since I had the world's snobbiest relative on the face of the Earth. He made me so nervous, so I frequently Inadvertently pissed him off, because I forgot, or didn't care, to kiss his backside. His wife was a damn princess and was soooooo nice, but he was an asshole and loved to upset/bully me! I just never thought my dear friend would drop me over money. The thing is, I am always so nice to people, but they just end up turning on me. I just never really believed it about you when you were forced. I don't know if it was my unwavering love, or just hope, but I just cannot believe bad about you. Not permanently; fleeting, I'm only human.  I figure you know that I would never believe bad of you. I think bad people with power, can assert their evil on others, but short lived. I get weak, then back to my senses.

I trust you with my life. 

All I could ever want would be to spend time with you. 

Sometimes I think I am too naive to exist. I am so astonished that people could actually want to hurt someone else. I couldn't do it and I don't expect it of others either.

My friend who thought I was too poor for her, broke my heart permanently. I don't even know why I wasted my time having her put a shadow on my mind.

Rick Steve's is playing a background. He is making me want to travel. 

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