Friday, June 18, 2021


 I try not to let anything upset, but it can happen. 

I try not to get upset, but sometimes I do anyway.  I guess it is only important to me. Then , I wonder about my faux pax. Things have changed.

My heart is still fragile.

It helped me hold on.

I don't like change. It makes me sad.

mixed messages confuse.

I guess nothing good lasts forever. 


I ask for nothing, but often get kicked in the face.

I put on the movie. "Rumor has it" again. It fills me full of Pasadena language and memories. It brings me home. Comforting. 

Everyday I look at my great grand father's book, "Thirty Years in Pasadena." I leave it on the piano and I see it as I walk by. The fact that he owned and edited the "Pasadena Star News" too, put the place and the Rose Parade firmly in my blood. 

Millard House by Frank Lloyd Wright in Pasadena, CA

Jun 26, 2019 — This home in Pasadena is one of Frank Lloyd Wright's most ... thought the earth-​toned concrete would blend with the site its materials came from. ... If you're an architecture lover, check out famous Los Angeles houses that are .

The architecture in Pasadena is amazing! My Gr. Grandfather's home was supposed to have been saved, but Huntington Hospital came along and tore it down to make the hospital parking lot.

Anyway, the movie took my mind off my sadness for a bit.

She just wants to make me into some slime ball, because she knows the things she is capable of doing and has done and she wants me down to her level. She is a desperate, murderous slimeball and wants everyone that way too. It is sad for her.


  1. One way, or another, we are getting you OUT! Then things figured out! Okay, sweet heart? Love, love, love to you!!!!

  2. I see things change and worry. Are you okay?

  3. Please give me a 6, if I need to worry about your safety.

  4. I feel foolish, because the woman who wrote the DL also wrote another part of the legal stuff and I cannot use any of it. I paid a lot (for me) and I need to be absolutely certain before I do that kind of thing again. I want to get this done and over so freedom can be achieved before anything health-wise might strike. I also want the one I only trust to be there. I also want his to be the last face I see on Earth.

  5. I still get an aching feeling in the right breast, but I also get twinges in the other other one too.I bought some vit C gummies, and they taste good, so I pop them frequently, but I need to be careful, so I don't get kidney pain like I had before. I had wanted to go in and get it checked out, but unless I can change my name, I would be setting myself up for another attack like I got from Dr. Moon, except that this time I might be of a mood to resist her her terror. She had several people holding me down through the torture, so she had the advantage. It was absolutely out of the influence of Poe! It sent me a strong message of "STAY AWAY" and of crazy. I cannot go back w/o the one I trust being there looking out for me. I get a strong clue of what happened to B when she died there. I believe "she" is a murderer and so are those she gets to do her dirty work.

  6. I do not understand how a person, or people could all get a similar frame of mind the was so deviant and not discouraging of it and not want to stop them and want to protect people. It is all so obviously criminal and inherently wrong. How can anyone hold their head up and think well of themselves, yet doing wrong to others; especially if she had someone so dear to you killed? It is beyond cold hearted; it is monstrous.(of a person or an action) inhumanly or outrageously evil or wrong.
    "he wasn't lovable, he was monstrous and violent"
    She must have only fully exhibited that way of being later in life. I do not understand why the surgeon who is her boss (?) never responded to my letter. The only people who responded was the PD in RW City, who accepted it as a police report. I just don't know how to get them to respond. I have been so discouraged, but I have not given up. I love you so very much.

  7. I want to take care of you, because predators obviously feel attracted to taking advantage of you. It is killing me.I do want to marry you, but I worry you might not trust me. I figure all manner of protective paperwork could be signed to keep you safe. I am sure that it would take no time for you to know how much I love you and that my every move was for helping you and those you love. I could never betray you..

  8. I still feel the same about you. I wonder if she is suddenly so possessive because someone else is in love with you? You cannot stay with someone who is violent against you; you have every right to leave and in fact, you SHOULD GO FOR YOUR SAFETY! I cannot relax knowing you are in danger! I look at your pic and all I can do is feel love, not violence! I would only want to love and admire you and make your life nice. PLEASE, RUN AWAY!

  9. I won't live forever and I want a chance to love you and take care of you and make sure no one hurts you EVER AGAIN!
    You are nobility, not common, like them!
