Monday, June 21, 2021



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Homemade Lox
You can make your own lox at home. It takes some time, but the investment is well worth it. I prefer my lox without the smoke flavor. Try it once and see if you agree.
20 mins
2 days
2 days
8 servings


Ingredient Checklist


Instructions Checklist
  • Rinse salmon with water; pat dry with paper towels.

  • Mix salt and sugar together in a bowl. Lay out a piece of plastic wrap. Pour half of the salt mixture onto the plastic wrap; lay salmon on top. Cover salmon with remaining salt mixture.

  • Fold plastic wrap around salmon until secure; wrap a second layer of plastic wrap around salmon. Transfer to a 9x9-inch baking pan; cover with an 8x8-inch baking pan. Place a heavy object onto the smaller baking pan to weigh salmon down. Cure in the refrigerator until salmon's surface becomes silky, about 48 hours.

  • Combine water and ice in a bowl. Mix water and 3 drops liquid smoke together in a bowl. Place salmon into liquid smoke mixture to rinse. Submerge into ice bath for 30 minutes. Repeat rinsing and submerging 2 more times, adding 3 drops of liquid smoke to the rinse water each time.

  • Dry salmon with paper towels. Cut with a sharp knife staring from the thin edge of the salmon and cutting toward the thick edge.

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