Friday, June 4, 2021

Of you

 I hope that the complaint I put in works. I hope you can be free soon. If you are, I hope you will consider coming to see me. Will you consider it? I have waited so long to see you alone and hear what you have to say and appreciating your ambiance.

I think your picture is the best thing I see in the day.  Good reason.

You are refined, educated, sweet and have a sense of decency and are elegant.  You are adorable and lovely. Money can't buy that; it is who you are. It means so much. All I know is that you are amazing and beautiful and I want to be certain you are always loved and appreciated. You deserve to live in perfection and never abused. I despise anyone who doesn't treat you with the respect you deserve.

Yes, I do love you and want to help make your life lovely. She can go to Hell. She is jealous of you and wants to punish you. She needs mental help, but she may be in prison before that happens.

Boo hoo.

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