Sunday, June 27, 2021



I met someone with a deep warmth in his eyes, and grace in his every step. He moved through me like the wind in my hair and a song tuned to my heart....and I was never the same mundane form of life again.
His silent words lived in me to brighten my imagination and put intention into my soul. How did I know he would be the one to forever change my life and magically bless my spirit?
I never knew love before, because this was finally it; what I had been missing for so excruciatingly long.
When I was gone away from his need, my own need cried out in anguish and turmoil. I felt as abjectly lost as a child who wandered too far from home and terror set in as the realization the guiding sun was leaving the sky for another day's rest.
I was alone, bitterly cold. All my happiness and future hopes faded
........a heavy door slammed with a finality that sent a wave of despair throughout my being.
Was he ever returning to liberate me from a tormented mind that was frozen in sadness? Had it been too beautiful to be permanent? Is a love that feeds every part of a human dream of perfection only to be ephemeral and vanishes before it can be too fully imbued into a life of an ordinary mortal?
I knew it was a love that would soon be taken away. It was too lovely for Earth, it was a taste of Heaven to come. I will find you and live forever in your sweet aura and be eternally blessed.
But, for now, the pain takes away my will to live my ordinary life without you. Please return to me. I can't live without you any longer. Pray for me, your most earnest prayer and find me. I want Heaven on Earth with you once again.

(c) HVM 2019

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