Thursday, June 3, 2021


 What I want to understand is WHY?

Was it all initially a scam to get property? That is what I thought MP was there to accomplish, but was it actually just a jealous woman afraid of losing support, money, a vested interest in you as a project? I mean, if someone really cared about you, wouldn't they want you to be happy? I could not watch you day-to-day looking miserable and knowing how limited your life had become. (Maybe I am just naive and you have been whooping it up big time, with a basket of fruit on your head, platform shoes, all a la South American Mardi Gras, Carmen Miranda style....! I know you seemed to like fancy shoes.......)

I enjoy fun. I place no judgments, or inhibitions. We are all a blank canvas. All potential, all creativity. I like people who have the nerve to be who they want.

Anyway, does she actually care about you?

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