Wednesday, May 12, 2021


 I was feeling better, so I was doing some genealogy. I have not done much productive today. I have been flaking pretty much this week. I have been tense and upset. I am worried. 

My phone did charge somewhat, but it is behaving like it was through a war of seismic proportions. It is flashing on and off, going dark and light and holding a search for 2 seconds. Probably more I have yet to experience.

What is going on with you tonight? I wish I were able to see you. This absolute piece of ridiculous farce is eating away at my soul. It is wrong to have it go on for another second.  It would take one second in person to hear your sweet voice tell my to go away forever, or say, you want to be my friend. (Because I would be the best friend you could want and because I would be your servant hand and foot. (Pretty good, huh?) I do not say that to ANYONE ELSE! I would protect your life with my own and never plot to murder you, like a couple of others I know about!!!!  I just know they did it before.....! They had that weird woman do it! She acted like she owned you! What IS it with people thinking they own you? You are smart and elegant and you are kind, sweet and cute. What more could anyone want in a friend, or more? You seem more royal than any royal. I know your heart and it is true.  I hope you can escape and not let them murder you! I love and adore you and that will never change. I would leave in a moment, if you needed me! Please don't doubt me. That man will never let you go voluntarily. I WILL get them both, but you cannot placate them. That would be slitting your own throat. They would be thrilled to have it look like you harmed yourself! Just get away and everything can be fixed later. They will both be in hot water soon, but don't count on it. They will turn on each other, because they are both greedy small time hoods.

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